HP-UX Problem...

Mr Martin J Hargreaves (ch11mh@surrey.ac.uk)
Mon, 20 Feb 1995 00:01:08 +0000 (GMT)

	Anyone know any more about this?


| Martin Hargreaves, 		            ch11mh@surrey.ac.uk|
| Undergraduate Computational Chemist    		       |
| WWW Server Admin                 http://www.chem.surrey.ac.uk|

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 12:16:35 -0800
From: HPSL Mail Service <support@support.mayfield.hp.com>
To: security_info@support.mayfield.hp.com
Subject: RE: Security Bulletins Digest

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Digest Name: security_info
Description: Daily Security Bulletins Digest
Created:     Wed Feb 15 12:16:24 1995 PST

Summary of 'Daily Security Bulletins Digest' documents
Document Id    Description						Page 1
HPSBUX9502-022 Security Vulnerability involving malicious users
Detailed list of 'Daily Security Bulletins Digest' documents
Document Id: [HPSBUX9502-022]
Date Loaded: [02-15-95]

Description: Security Vulnerability involving malicious users

      HEWLETT-PACKARD SECURITY BULLETIN: #00022, 15 February 95

    The information in the following Security Bulletin should be acted
    upon as soon as possible. Hewlett-Packard will not be liable for
    any consequences to any customer resulting from customer's failure
    to fully implement instructions in this Security Bulletin as soon
    as possible.

PROBLEM:  Security vulnerability involving malicious users
PLATFORM: HP 9000 series 700 and series 800 at revisions 9.X
DAMAGE:   Users can gain unauthorized privileges
SOLUTION: Apply the appropriate patch for your version of HP-UX
             For HP-UX 9.09+ (BLS), apply patch PHKL_5190,
                 HP-UX 9.09  (BLS), apply patch PHKL_5191,
                 HP-UX 9.08  (BLS), apply patch PHKL_5192,
                 HP-UX 9.05, apply patch PHKL_5049,
                 HP-UX 9.04, apply patch PHKL_5051,
                 HP-UX 9.03, apply patch PHKL_5049,
                 HP-UX 9.01, apply patch PHKL_5048,
                 HP-UX 9.0 , apply patch PHKL_5050.
AVAILABILITY: All patches are available now.


  A. Problem

     Hewlett-Packard has discovered some malicious coding sequences that can
     cause the HP-UX Operating System to crash.  These coding sequences are
     malicious in origin and not representative of compiler generated code.
     The resulting system crash is not always predictable, depending heavily
     on the state of the system at the time of the attack.  Given this
     uncertainty, it is feasible that the security and/or integrity of the
     system might become compromised.

     Having identified this type of system vulnerability, HP has developed a
     patch that when installed provides the following countermeasures.
     First, it will protect your system from privilege violations that might
     be attempted using these malicious coding sequences.  Secondly, it
     strengthens the Operating System so that it is more resistant to this
     type of attack.  Should the attack succeed in crashing the system, this
     patch will in most cases report the identity of the process and user
     that executed the malicious coding sequences.  System Administrators
     can use this identification information to help track down the source
     of such attacks on their system.

  B. What the Patch Does

     This patch replaces key HP-UX library routines

  C. How to Get The Patch

     For HP-UX BLS product patches PHKL_5190, PHKL_5191 & PHKL_5192 are NOT
     electronically available.  For assistance in obtaining and installing
     this patch contact the HP Response Center at 1 (800) 633-3600.
     Be sure to mention the keyword "BLS" to help route the call.

     All the other patches are available electronically.  You can retrieve a
     patch by using the service described below.

  D. How to Install The Patch

   1. Determine which patch is appropriate for your hardware platform and
      operating system:

      On the BLS product, HP-UX 9.08 (series 800) & HP-UX 9.09 (series 700),
      execute: what /hp-ux .

      On commercial products HP-UX 9.X (series 800) & HP-UX 9.X (series 700),
      execute: what /hp-ux .  Look for the product 9245XA (series 800) and
      B2352A  (series 700) to identify the revision currently running.

      Then use the table above to select the appropriate patch to request or

   2. Hewlett Packard's HP-UX patches are available via email & WWW (MOSAIC)

        To obtain a copy of the HP SupportLine email service user's guide,
        send the following in the TEXT PORTION OF THE MESSAGE to
        support@support.mayfield.hp.com (no Subject is required):

                      send guide

        The users guide explains the process for downloading HP-UX patches
        via email and other services available.

        WWW (MOSAIC) service (downloading of patches) is
        also available via WWW (MOSAIC) our URL is:

   3. Apply the patch to your HP-UX system.

   4. Examine /tmp/update.log for any relevant WARNINGs or ERRORs.  This
      can be done as follows:

       a.  At the shell prompt, type "tail -60 /tmp/update.log | more"
       b.  Page through the next three screens via the space bar, looking
           for WARNING or ERROR messages.

  E. Impact of the patch and workaround

     No patches will be available for versions of HP-UX prior to 9.0.

  F. How to get Help

     If you need help installing a patch and have a Support Contract you
     can call the HP Response Center at 1 (800) 633-3600.  If you have no
     Support Contract, call the same number and ask to make a "Helpline"
     call for assistance (payable via credit card).

   Since security patches are treated very carefully by HP yet are available
   free of charge, no additional information about the security issues
   addressed by these patches will be given.

  G. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security Bulletins
     from the HP Support-Line mail service via electronic mail, send an
     e-mail message to:

      support@support.mayfield.hp.com   (no Subject is required)

     Multiple instructions are allowed in the TEXT PORTION OF THE MESSAGE,
     here are some basic instructions you may want to use:

     * To add your name to the subscription list for new Security Bulletins,
       send the following in the TEXT PORTION OF THE MESSAGE:

                    subscribe security_info

     * To retrieve the index of all HP Security Bulletins issued to date,
       send the following in the TEXT PORTION OF THE MESSAGE:

                    send security_info_list

     WWW (MOSAIC) service (Browsing of Bulletins) is also available via WWW
     (MOSAIC) our URL is:


       Choose "Support news", then under Support news, choose "Security

  H. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to

